VOLUME PRESS 是一個位於新加坡和上海的出版工作室, 專註於制作獨立雜誌和藝術書。從內容編輯到藝術指導,工作室主要的角色是通過實體刊物為無形的內容發聲。工作室同時也經營線上書店,以及主辦跟出版相關的工作坊。
volume press is a publishing studio based in Singapore and Shanghai that produces independent magazines and art books. From editorial content to art direction, our studio focuses on bringing invisible ideas to life through the physical form of a book. At the same time, we also run an online bookstore and conduct publishing workshops in our studio space.
For enquiries, collaborations or submissions, say hi at VOLUME@VOLUME-PRESS.COM